Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Consultation Paper Now Available for Public review

The Department of the Environment and Energy (DCCEEW) are looking at further measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act (1989).

They are seeking input on how the use of high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants in the commercial and industrial refrigeration sector can be reduced.

Options being considered include restrictions on import and manufacture of new commercial refrigeration equipment using high GWP refrigerants, and restrictions on the import and use of R404A.

You can help by taking part in this survey, or by providing a written submission on this issue. Your feedback will help DCCEEW develop policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support Australia’s commercial and industrial refrigeration industry.

The consultation paper is available at Commercial and industrial refrigeration: Reducing the climate impact of refrigerants - Climate ( Consultation is open from today for six weeks until Thursday 8 August 2024. Online consultation sessions will be held on Tuesday 23 and Thursday 25 July 2024.