New building cladding could divert millions of tonnes in glass waste from landfill

A Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) and Livefield collaboration has resulted in a new Australian-made building cladding that successfully tackles sustainability, cost, and other challenges all in one go.

The fire-safe building cladding uses a significant amount of recycled glass, taking millions of tonnes of reusable glass out of landfill every year.

Creating a circular economy
The building cladding developed by RMIT and Livefield is showing promise as a circular-economy solution to address glass waste.

Lead researcher Associate Professor Dilan Robert said: “Glass is one of the most recyclable materials in the world as it doesn’t lose its quality or purity, and it can be recycled for multiple uses across a wide range of industries.”

“By using high amounts of recycled glass in building claddings, while ensuring they meet fire safety and other standards, we are helping to find a solution to the very real waste challenge.”

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